Love Live The Qeens
The four largest Pride events in North America (Chicago, San Francisco, New York City, Toronto) took place yesterday under sunny skies, drawing over 3 million queer folks from all nations and representing all 31 genders . The NYC crowd was estimated at around 1 million and more than a few times we heard somebody say, "Is everybody in the WORLD gay?" Yesterday, it sure felt like it.
Heritage of Pride should be congratulated for turning in another seamless series of events, with no apparent glitches in crowd control, operations or safety. The eternal length of the parade (five hours? six hours?), that's another thing. But I guess if the issue is to too many people wanting to take part, that's a good problem to have.
I've got hundreds of photos to sort through and I'll winnow them down to a dozen or so and include them in a lengthier post about the day. Thanks to all who showed up to watch the parade with us. I met tons of great new folks, including a couple of heretofore mysterious but beloved JMG commenters. More on that later.