It's A Horse Race -UPDATED

And I'm Francis, The Talking Mule.
UPDATE: I've gotten several emails politely chastising me for for my "flip" and "cynical" references to the 2007 Weblog Awards pageant and for not observing proper netiquette by providing links to the other finalists. No apologies for the first bit, but it seems I've been properly served on the netiqette part. Ouch, how embaraskin! Here are the ten finalists for Best LGBT Blog:
UPDATE: I've gotten several emails politely chastising me for for my "flip" and "cynical" references to the 2007 Weblog Awards pageant and for not observing proper netiquette by providing links to the other finalists. No apologies for the first bit, but it seems I've been properly served on the netiqette part. Ouch, how embaraskin! Here are the ten finalists for Best LGBT Blog:
I particularly recommend you check out two of the finalists, if you don't read them already:
Pam's House Blend - Hosted by noted LGBT activist, Pam Spaulding, Pam's House Blend is a vital source for up-to-the-minute political news and commentary. Pam has four co-bloggers and her site features numerous Daily Kos-like diaries written by readers. The Blend also has a chat room feature.
The Bilerico Project - Billed as "Daily experiments In LGBTQ", the Bilerico Project is a community LGBT rights blog hosted by Bil Browning and several co-bloggers, with dozens of notable contributors, including nationally renowned activists such as Matt Foreman, Joe Solmonese, Patricia Nell Warren, Lane Hudson, Candice Gingrich, Mike Rogers, and Pam Spaulding .
I also failed to mention that you may vote once every 24 hours and that the voting closes on November 8th. As nine out the nine other finalists have said, vote early, vote often.
As for this here website thingy, [SUCK UP ALERT] I consider all of you my co-bloggers. Group hug! Seriously though, I do have some vague, misty plan to actually get a new fancy non-Blogger template that has all the fancy gee-gaws that could support some fun new features and add some snap to my look. Just gotta get off my ever-shrinking be-yoo-tocks and find a slick web designer. Suggestions welcome. Forums? A Flickr group? M4M-JMG? Heh.
I particularly recommend you check out two of the finalists, if you don't read them already:
Pam's House Blend - Hosted by noted LGBT activist, Pam Spaulding, Pam's House Blend is a vital source for up-to-the-minute political news and commentary. Pam has four co-bloggers and her site features numerous Daily Kos-like diaries written by readers. The Blend also has a chat room feature.
The Bilerico Project - Billed as "Daily experiments In LGBTQ", the Bilerico Project is a community LGBT rights blog hosted by Bil Browning and several co-bloggers, with dozens of notable contributors, including nationally renowned activists such as Matt Foreman, Joe Solmonese, Patricia Nell Warren, Lane Hudson, Candice Gingrich, Mike Rogers, and Pam Spaulding .
I also failed to mention that you may vote once every 24 hours and that the voting closes on November 8th. As nine out the nine other finalists have said, vote early, vote often.
As for this here website thingy, [SUCK UP ALERT] I consider all of you my co-bloggers. Group hug! Seriously though, I do have some vague, misty plan to actually get a new fancy non-Blogger template that has all the fancy gee-gaws that could support some fun new features and add some snap to my look. Just gotta get off my ever-shrinking be-yoo-tocks and find a slick web designer. Suggestions welcome. Forums? A Flickr group? M4M-JMG? Heh.