Manhattan Monday
- NYC is hurting for new cops. Could it be the $25K starting salary?
- Brooklyn's McCarren Pool, a nifty concert venue of late, is being turned back into a swimming pool. Yuppies in the hood rejoice.
- A scandal may be brewing over NYC's primary vote count. Unofficial tallies show zero votes cast for Barack Obama in about 80 election districts, including heavily black neighborhoods. A "formal review" is underway.
- Bloomberg says he'll refuse to enforce the city's new electronics recycling law, saying it violates a "whole bunch of federal laws on interstate commerce." The city council recently passed a law which fines electronics manufacturers $100 for people who throw their electronics in city trash. The law takes effect in two years. Apple is one of the few companies that actually endorse the plan.
- West Village residents are pissed about the volume of the loudspeakers on tour buses. Tour guides shrug and return to blasting misinformation.
- Manhattan's laundromats are disappearing, a victim of high rents and luxury buildings that offer in-unit appliances. Like most that still use laundromats, I lazily depend on the wash-and-fold service. Even lazier, I make them deliver even though the one I use is in the basement of my own building. The clothes come back shrink-wrapped!
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