Maloney Quits Paterson Office

Maloney, an aide to disgraced New York Governor Eliot Spitzer who continued to work for Governor David Paterson, resigned his post as first deputy secretary on December 9. The New York Post reported that Maloney had the title of "special counsel" to Spitzer, "allowing him to invoke attorney-client privilege to avoid testifying to investigators probing the scandal" surrounding the use of the State Police to investigate former Republican Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno. As the newspaper noted, Maloney survived a scandal that took down four Spitzer aides. Paterson called Maloney "a trusted adviser and friend," but the Post reported that "the governor had told associates in recent weeks that he had lost confidence in Maloney," who was an unsuccessful out gay candidate for New York attorney general in 2006.(Via - Gay City News)
Labels: "celibacy", David Paterson, Sean Maloney