Charlie Crist Softens

Launching a whirlwind tour to promote "Explore Adoption Day," Gov. Charlie Crist appeared to soften his stance this morning against allowing gays to do just that. Civil rights advocates blasted Crist earlier in the week for encouraging adoption while his administration is in court defending a 1977 law that makes Florida the only state with an outright ban on gay adoption. Now a candidate for U.S. Senate, Crist hinted today that he might support lifting the ban. At first, Crist said it would be the Legislature's responsibility to change the law. When pressed on whether he would support the effort, Crist said, "I'd have to think about it." Robert Rosenwald, an attorney for ACLU who is challenging the law, was cautiously optimistic. "He's always said in the past that he supports the ban," Rosenwald said. "The fact that the governor is now willing to reconsider the issue, we can work with that."Last week a Miami judge who found the ban on gay adoption to be unconstitutional was demoted by the state's chief justice. The state is appealing her decision and the ban remains in place.
Labels: "celibacy", Charlie Crist, closet cases, Florida, gay adoption