HomoQuotable - Michelangelo Signorile

"This fund-raising dynamic developed over time and, according to former staffers, accounts for a large percentage of the group’s money—sort of like a drug habit it just can’t shake. And also like a drug habit, this setup enormously compromises the group: What kind of effective watchdog takes money from the industry it polices? Imagine the ineffectiveness of a congressional watchdog group taking money from House and Senate members." - SiriusXM host and activist Michelangelo Signorile, writing about GLAAD's handling of the ABC/Adam Lambert controversy for the Advocate. By coincidence, today GLAAD released their 2009 Media Awards nominations, in which ABC gets the most nods.
Labels: ABC, Adam Lambert, GLAAD, HomoQuotable, Michelangelo Signorile