Times Square To Return To XXX

Bowlmor is owned by Strike Holdings, and at its downtown headquarters, Thomas Shannon, the chief executive, spoke about the old bowling, and the new bowling that might save New York. “It used to be that if you wanted to go bowling, you had to suffer some form of deprivation,” he said. “Bad food — you know, the hot dog on a roller. Stale tap beer. No service.” Bowlmor and the upscale alleys typically shun leagues. They don’t want guys who show up with bowling outfits and excessive stomachs and their own equipment and want to pay $1.95 a game. “They want the cheapest, most miserable experience,” Mr. Shannon said. “I would describe it as a Stalinist experience.”The long-running bowling alley at the nearby Port Authority Bus Terminal has also gone "upscale" and will reopen this month as Frames, which will include a restrictive door policy, a fancy restaurant, VIP bowling lanes, and a nightclub. And just a few avenues west on 42nd Street, one finds the year-old and also fancy-schmancy Lucky Strikes Lanes.
At Bowlmor, games are generally $11 to $13. Mr. Shannon showed plans for the forthcoming Times Square alley. Adorning the entrance will be Bowlmor Bob, a giant bowler in a red dinner jacket. The front desk will have a concierge. When you get bowling shoes, you can have your street shoes shined for another few dollars. The 50 lanes will be separated into six themed areas. The Chinatown section will feature a gong to bang when you get a strike. To select the food, Mr. Shannon said he was negotiating with a “celebrity chef.”
Bowling will save New York City!
Labels: "sports", Bowlmor, nightlife, NYC, Times Square