Photo Of The Day - Truth Truck

Today, Equality Maryland staff members are on the ground in Annapolis ensuring that in the final days of the 2010 legislative session we halt any last minute attempts to repeal the Attorney General's opinion or chip away at our rights. But we're not the only ones here in Annapolis. "The Truth Truck" is also in our state capital spewing anti-LGBT hatred. It is literally parked in front of the Statehouse with signs that say: "Homosexuality is a Sin - AIDS is Death" and "The Sodomites - He Banished them from the Land."
If you're wondering what we're up against - this is it! Our staff and our legislative allies constantly face this type of vicious ignorance. Pictures say a thousand words, which is why I felt I needed to send this to you. But actions, of course, speak louder than words. You can act today to helps us speak the truth about our families and our lives to lawmakers in Annapolis. You have the power to build our movement with your advocacy, outreach and financial support. If these signs and the hateful rhetoric make you cringe - like me - help us counter these attacks by supporting EQMD's advocacy efforts. I know you receive a number of requests from important organizations, but your generosity really does make a difference in each and every attack on our community and our families. You can donate online by clicking here or by sending a check to us at 1201 Sharp Street, Suite 109, Baltimore, MD, 21230.
Labels: Equality Maryland, LGBT rights, marriage equality, Maryland