British Petroleum: It's Really Just A TINY Spill, Compared To The Entire Ocean

Tony Hayward, the beleaguered chief executive of BP, has claimed its oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is "relatively tiny" compared with the "very big ocean". In an bullish interview with the Guardian at BP's crisis centre in Houston, Hayward insisted that the leaked oil and the estimated 400,000 gallons of dispersant that BP has pumped into the sea to try to tackle the slick should be put in context. "The Gulf of Mexico is a very big ocean. The amount of volume of oil and dispersant we are putting into it is tiny in relation to the total water volume," he said. US authorities estimate that about 5,000 barrels of oil a day are leaking from the damaged pipeline lying on the seabed after attempts to stem the flow failed.The president has been uncharacteristically blistering in his criticism of BP and Halliburton, saying he was repulsed by their "falling all over each other" to blame other parties.
Labels: asshattery, disaster, ecology, environment, Halliburton