BAY AREA: Christianists Force End To School District's Anti-Bullying Program

A lawsuit that demanded a right for parents to opt their young children out of a "gay" indoctrination program in a California school district was dropped after the district suddenly killed the worst of the curriculum, officials told WND today. Brad Dacus, president of Pacific Justice Institute, had been working on the case pending against the Alameda Unified School District. Dacus said the case was filed because parents wanted to uphold a state law allowing them not to have their children participate in health education programs if they choose. But he said the decision to drop the case was made when the district announced it was canceling "Lesson 9" of the Caring School Community curriculum, which was adopted by the school board last year. "We're very pleased," he said. "But we're calling upon parents all across the country to investigate and find out just what material is being pushed in their school district. "We're hoping that this school district learns tolerance is a two way street. One way tolerance is not tolerance at all. It's tyranny," he said.You simply cannot teach children not to beat up gay kids. That is tyranny. And indoctrination!
Labels: Alameda, bullying, California, Christianists, education, gay youth