7500 Pro-Civil Unions Letters Received By Office Of Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle

"We have letters and signatures from a broad demographic -- the straight community, the gay community, across the state, across the country," said Michael Golojuch Jr., of the GLBT Caucus of the Democratic Party of Hawaii and Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)-Oahu. "Our online petition has signatures from Venezuela, South Korea, Australia. It's clear that the world is watching how Hawaii decides this issue." Alan Spector of Equality Hawaii said the poll results, letters and petitions delivered yesterday are meant to bolster an already strong case for civil unions. "We've demonstrated to Gov. Lingle that there so many reasons to support this bill -- legal reasons, it's constitutionally required, it makes good economic and business sense, we have support from the faith community -- and we're here to show the governor that we have the support of the majority of Hawaii's residents."Thank you to all JMG readers who responded to last week's letter request!
Labels: civil unions, Hawaii, LGBT rights