Main | Monday, July 12, 2010

Bring Your Gun To The Beach Day

Gun nuts from a group called Open Carry staged a "Bring Your Gun To The Beach Day" this weekend in Hermosa Beach, California.
"Just because somebody is carrying a gun doesn't mean that they're a criminal," said Scott Brownlie, a 25-year-old firefighter who stood outside Peet's Coffee & Tea with an unloaded Colt M-4 Carbine slung across his back. "If a lot of people were allowed to carry more … there would be a lot less crime." Most people walked by the group without a second glance. A police spokesman said the department received no complaints about the event. Open Carry has drawn criticism from gun control groups that say police, not untrained gun owners, should be protecting the public.
Guns at church, guns at the mall, guns at the beach.

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