Family Research Council Launches Phone Campaign Against DADT Repeal Vote

Finding jobs for homosexuals in the military appears to be the top priority for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) Yesterday he told colleagues that next week he will bring to the Senate floor a bill that would repeal the 1993 law which codified the military's longstanding prohibition of homosexual conduct in the ranks. The amendment to allow homosexuals to serve openly in the military is found in the defense authorization bill--along with another anti-family amendment that would turn U.S. military medical facilities here and around the globe into abortion clinics. ABC News reported that this "will likely be the one major piece of legislation that the Senate tackles before the November mid-term elections." This bill is not necessary to fund our military--an appropriations bill does that. The only urgency comes from Reid's desire to pander to his pro-homosexual, pro-abortion base. Senators should reject Reid's distorted priorities by voting against advancing this bill at every step. Contact your Senators today and tell them to stop using the military to impose this Administration's radical homosexual agenda.
Labels: bigotry, DADT, Family Reseach Council, Harry Reid, religion, Tony Perkins