Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was
shot in the head today at an event she was staging at a supermarket in her home district in Tucson, Arizona. Conflicting reports say that twelve others were shot. The shooter is in custody and no motive is yet known. I'll update this post as details emerge.
UPDATE: Progressive websites are already pointing out that Giffords was among the 12 members of the U.S. House targeted for defeat with Sarah Palin's now-infamous "rifle crosshairs" election map. Giffords' Tea Party opponent Jesse Kelly picked up on that and held target practice with his supporters using a "fully automatic M16."
UPDATE II: CNN is reporting that Giffords has been pronounced dead. At least six others have now been reported killed.
UPDATE III: Conflicting reports. MSNBC is now saying that Giffords in undergoing surgery and is in grave condition.
Labels: Arizona, Congress, Gabrielle Giffords, Tucson