Main | Thursday, March 17, 2011

BRAZIL: Call 911 For Homophobia

Today NOM's Brian Brown has repeatedly tweeted the link to a story critical of a new PR campaign in Brazil which tells citizens to call the country's version of 911 to report homophobia-related crimes. From the Christianist outlet, LifeSite News:
Beginning in late February, the Brazilian government has begun to take complaints of “homophobia” on its Dial 100 emergency line, which was created to facilitate the reporting of human rights abuses. The system was announced along with a new government program with the slogan, “Make Brazil a country free of homophobia,” which includes a special logo. “If someone says ‘I need help’ in any Brazilian municipality, it is necessary to act together. It isn’t just acting quickly, but rather the development of an integrated policy for the protection of the citizen,” said Brazilian Human Rights Minister Maria do Rosário, during the presentation of the program.
Brazil's Father Luiz Carlos Lodi da Cruz:
“Note that, without legal forewarning, the minister now wants to punish those who do not regard unnatural conduct as natural. Whoever complains doesn’t have to worry, because the anonymity of the source is guaranteed,” writes Lodi da Cruz. “Therefore, at the end of the second month of the Dilma administration, her government has already established religious persecution based on free and anonymous telephone calls.”
From the NOMblog comments: "The slogan: 'Make Brazil a country free of homophobia,' is chillingly remeniscent of Hitler's slogan: 'Make Germany Jew free.'"

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