Maggie Gallagher To Testify Tomorrow At House DOMA Defense Hearing

The U.S. House Subcommittee on the Constitution is scheduled to hold a hearing Friday titled “Defending Marriage,” called by subcommittee chairman Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), who has recently called for the impeachment of President Barack Obama because of his decision to order his administration to no longer defend the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). People For the American Way Senior Fellow Peter Montgomery predicts Franks’ hearing will be a parade of “extremists.” Montgomery told TAI during a phone interview that Rep. Franks is “at the far-right fringe of the far right.” Montgomery also assumed the only purpose of the Franks Defending Marriage hearing would be “To promote that far-right agenda and provide them propaganda against the administration from here until 2012.” Franks is the founder of an official Focus on the Family affiliate called the Center for Arizona Policy (CAP). Formerly known as the Arizona Family Research Institute, the CAP was instrumental in the passage of Arizona’s Prop 102 adding an amendment to Arizona’s constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman.Also on the witness list is NOM favorite and Prop 8 proponent Edward Whelan, who yesterday published an article denouncing the "outright illegality' of Judge Vaughn Walker's actions during the trial. The third witness, Carlos Ball, is a relatively unknown Rutgers professor and author who has published several pro-gay columns on Huffington Post.
Labels: DOMA, GOP, marriage equality, NOM, Tea Party, teabaggers, U.S. House