Anti-Gay Hate Groups To Protest SPLC Naming Them Anti-Gay Hate Groups

The entire hilarious extravaganza is being organized by Porno Pete, who has plenty of time on his hands now that his tax-exempt status has been revoked. It's a total Who's Who In Assholery!

UDPATE: The SPLC has issued a press release.
Today at noon, a group of the nastiest gay-bashers in America plans to hold a press conference in front of the Montgomery, Ala., offices of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which publishes this blog. Claiming that the SPLC is engaged in a “campaign to demonize adherents of traditional Judeo-Christian morality,” the white organizers of the press conference are bringing along a set of black pastors in a presumed bid to embarrass the SPLC, a 40-year-old anti-racist civil rights organization. The irony is that SPLC has named five of the participating organizations as hate groups precisely because they demonize LGBT people, using a series of well-worn lies to paint gays and lesbians as perverts, pedophiles and worse. Despite the claims of the groups, the SPLC is not attacking anyone’s morality. Instead, our hate group listings reflect the fact that they regularly propagate known falsehoods.Suh-NAP! Read the entire thing.
Labels: Alabama, assholery, bigotry, douchenozzles, fascists, HA HA HA, hate groups, Peter LaBarbera, religion, theocracy