BRITAIN: Government Opens 12 Weeks Of Public Comment On Marriage Equality

During Commons questions about the consultation, Peter Bone, MP for Wellingborough in Northamptonshire, said: "Wouldn't it just be very simple to write back and say: 'Marriage is between a man and a woman so this is completely nuts'?" Meanwhile, senior members of the clergy have complained that politicians should not be allowed to redefine marriage. Earlier this month, Cardinal Keith O'Brien, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland, said the "grotesque" plans would "shame the United Kingdom in the eyes of the world" if implemented. A week later, Roman Catholic congregations across England and Wales were read a letter from the Church's two most senior archbishops saying the change would reduce the significance of marriage and it was the duty of all Roman Catholics to make sure it did not happen.Hit the link for a PDF of the complete survey.
Labels: Britain, LGBT rights, marriage equality