Protest Held At "Ain't No Homos" Church

A video was posted online last week that shows the church’s members cheering and laughing as a 4-year-old boy sang a song that included the line “ain’t no homo gonna make it to heaven.” That spurred 20-year-old Lucas Hartwell to organize Sunday’s protest via Facebook.Protestor Abby Wainscott says she hoped the rally would show support for gay teens and discourage bullying. “If one teenager that goes to this church sees us standing out here today and realizes, hey, maybe there is another way to think about this, maybe I don’t have to hate those people,” she says. “Even if we just plant a seed of doubt in one kid’s head today by standing here, then I think we possibly made a major difference.” No one from the church would comment at the protest, but the church has posted a statement on its website saying the pastor and its members do not condone the hate of any person for any reason.Another protest is planned for this Sunday.
Labels: hate speech, Indiana, protests, religion