House GOP Rep. Thad McCotter Resigns After Reelection Petition Scandal

His staff turned in 2,000 signatures supporting his candidacy, twice as many as needed to be eligible for the Aug. 7 primary ballot. But 80 percent were found to be fake or duplicates. McCotter initially said he would conduct a write-in campaign but eventually dropped the effort. An attorney, he was first elected to the House in 2003 after serving as a state senator and county commissioner. “We wish Congressman McCotter and his family the best and thank him for his service to the state,’’ said Matt Frendewey, spokesman for the Michigan GOP.McCotter had a 100% rating from the Christian Coalition and voted against the Hate Crimes Act, against repealing DADT, and for a federal amendment banning same-sex marriage. He did vote in favor of ENDA. McCotter briefly launched a virtually unnoticed campaign for the presidency in 2011.