Hate Groups Protest U.S. Embassy's Participation In Czech Pride

At the directive of the president of the United States, Washington is aggressively promoting the "gay" agenda internationally, including same-sex “marriage” and the stigmatization and marginalization of any who object to the same. Regarding 'gay rights,' those caught up in this lifestyle have the same rights as other citizens. This does not include the 'right' to force others to validate a lifestyle they find objectionable, for religious or other reasons. It also does not include the right of men to marry men and women to marry women. The foregoing pseudo-rights do not advance human freedom and dignity but debase them.Signers of the letter are a who's who in American fascism. Here's just a few of the ones that have been covered on this blog: Scott Lively, Peter LaBarbera, Linda Harvey, Dave Daubenmire, Jim Garlow, Janet Crouse, Tim Wildmon, Bill Donohue, Brian Camenker, Yahuda Levin, Daniel Lapin, Mike Huckabee, Matt Barber, Lou Sheldon, Diane Gramely, Alveda King, Jennifer Morse, and Brent Bozell. There are 116 names on the letter.
Labels: Christian Love, Czech Republic, evil, fascists, gay Pride, hate groups, religion, State Department