Quote Of The Day - Michael Musto

"Their moving love of human rights--which they exercise by rallying in support of some old-school gay bashers--doesn't seem to be an equal-opportunity kind of situation at all. I mean, if someone found a religious book that said conservatives should be stripped of rights and treated as second class citizens, would the Santorums be lining up to buy that person's chicken while calling themselves fierce defenders of the Constitution? No way. But in defending the hate mongering Chick-Fil-A, these people can hide behind their flag-waving, pseudo libertarian crap while backing an organization's bigoted views that just happen to mirror their own. Do they have a right to say that? Sure. And I have a right to yell bloody murder." - Michael Musto, writing for the Village Voice.
Labels: activism, bigotry, fast food, gay writers, hate groups, Michael Musto, religion, Village Voice