NEW YORK: Marriage Supporter And NOM Arch Enemy Wins State Senate GOP Battle

Senator Mark J. Grisanti, a Buffalo Republican who had also supported same-sex marriage, comfortably fended off a challenge from Kevin T. Stocker, a Republican lawyer who accused Mr. Grisanti of breaking his word when he did so. But Mr. Grisanti’s troubles are not over. He represents a district that is heavily Democratic, and Democrats see him as vulnerable in November: he attracted unflattering attention this year when he took part in a bar brawl in an American Indian casino in Niagara Falls.Earlier this week Grisanti was attacked by an anti-gay group with a flyer that was described as the "ugliest anti-gay mailer of the 2012 election."
“For people that know me, I stand by my beliefs and my convictions,” Mr. Grisanti told his supporters, adding, “There are so many issues that we have done in this year. And unfortunately, you know, my opponent focused on a few. But the people spoke.” The fate of the Senate Republicans is being closely watched nationally, because New York was the first state in which same-sex marriage became legal with the support of a Republican-controlled legislative chamber.
Gay-rights advocates say they believe they will need support from Republican legislators in other states to legalize same-sex marriage, and they have been concerned that if the New York senators were defeated, Republicans elsewhere would be more reluctant to take the electoral risk of voting to allow gay men and lesbians to wed.

Labels: 2012 elections, GOP, NOM, NY Senate