Main | Friday, May 10, 2013

Suri Cruise To Launch Fashion Line

Seven year-old Suri Cruise, daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, has reportedly signed a $2.3M deal to launch her own fashion line.
“Suri is only seven but she is incredibly interested in clothes. She has been through a very difficult year and adapted amazingly to her new life in New York, including the upheaval of starting normal school,” a source tells the newspaper. “This is a nice hobby for her, it’s certainly not going to take over her life. Most girls dream of being able to make their own clothes, this just means her drawings will now become a reality. It’ll be interesting to see how it pans out, there’s nothing around quite like it.” Apparently Suri’s mom, Katie, helped put the wheels in motion on the project along with her longtime friend and stylist-turned-designer Jeanne Yang. The duo also have their own collection called Holmes & Yang.
RELATED: Three years ago then 14 year-old Lourdes Ciccone co-launched the Material Girl brand with her mother.

UPDATE: Katie Holmes is denying the story "100%" in an interview with Vogue.

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