Main | Friday, August 02, 2013

Quote Of The Day - Maggie Gallagher

"Professor Nicholas Cummings, rather a giant in the field of psychology who gave a deposition in this case, published an op-ed Wednesday in USA Today. Some have accused Cummings of supporting damaging forms of what they call 'reparation therapy.' But the SPLC lawsuit originally claimed any form of sexual-orientation change therapy was necessarily fraud because it never helps people. Cummings’s point is that competent therapy can be helpful to highly motivated patients who choose to deal with same-sex attraction in other ways than, well, being gay. He is firmly pro–gay rights — but for all gay people, even those who choose to live their sex lives in accordance with their faith." - Maggie Gallagher, writing for the National Review(Tipped by JMG reader Christopher)

FACT CHECK: Cummings may consider himself "pro-gay rights," but somebody who keynotes the convention of NARTH, the most vile and lying of all the "ex-gay" groups, is no fucking friend of ours.

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