Main | Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Danes Protest Uganda's Anti-Gay Law

Danish LGBT activists and allies protested outside the Ugandan embassy in the Copenhagen suburb of Hellerup this weekend:
Hundreds of protesters marched together to the front of the Ugandan embassy to protest against the anti-gay legislation in Uganda after the Ugandan president signed The Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Act also known as the “Kill the gays bill." The Ugandan woman Nakiganda Hasifah organized the demonstration and wish to send a clear signal to the Ugandan authorities that need follow international conventions. Last year Nakiganda Hasifah was granted asylum in Denmark after being a victim discrimination and persecution in Uganda. She went to prison twice in Uganda where she was raped because of her sexuality and gave birth the child of her rapist. The protesters demonstrate in sympathy with the Ugandan LGBT-community and raise concerns about legislative anti-gay laws in Uganda. Western politicians and human rights groups around the world criticize the law.
Hasifah's speech is in English. Many photos at the link.

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