BRITAIN: Prankster Disrupts Church By Screaming "I'm Not Gay No More"
News of COGIC's now legendary "I'm not gay no more" incident has spread to Britain, where a prankster named Nathan disrupted a London church to scream the lines made famous this week. The handful of people on hand watched bemusedly as a security guard very politely asked Nathan to calm down. The police were called and when they spoke to Nathan outside the church, he again repeatedly the lines, only to have the officer calmly suggest he go back inside and "speak to a priest."
RELATED: The clip is a from a YouTube account titled Trollstation. From their about page: "Our content is intentionally provocative & controversial with the aim to offend and harass the general public in the name of comedic Satire. Trollstation is a collective of social misfits playing mad ASBO games on the public." ASBO stands for the Anti-Social Behavior Order introduced by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair in 1998.