Main | Thursday, August 10, 2006


The "world's largest plasma" television (103 honkin' inches!) is on display in Grand Central's Vanderbilt Hall, as part of a promotion by Panasonic. In the crowd, mixed in with the reporters, cameramen, and Panasonic execs, are panting middle-aged couch potatoes like myself. For you, gentle readers, I pushed my way through the salivating thongs to get this almost unobscured shot of my new 8' lover. Now to find an apartment that it could fit in.

Art schmart. Frame your flat-screen and run a Greatest Hits Of The Masters slideshow on it, smartly hung over your video fireplace. Where do you hang your video family? (All my video boyfriends live on my computer. If only we had a disc-sweeper for the real life versions.)

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