Main | Monday, February 26, 2007

NoiZe Magazine

Circuit Noize, the quarterly magazine devoted to the circuit party scene, has relaunched as NoiZe, after its founder, Steve Kammon, died last year "due to complications from a long illness". The rejiggered magazine will continue to be the go-to source for information about parties, events and music, with a new emphasis on feature articles.

In the first issue of NoiZe, you will find a new short story from me, We Met On The Dance Floor. I'll admit I was rather surprised to be asked to write for a circuit party magazine, at my advanced years, but it seems the editors wanted a perspective from a "circuit elder", a term bestowed on me by friends in San Francisco over 10 years ago. What would that make me now? NoiZe Magazine is available nationwide in the usual places that stock gay rags. You can also subscribe electronically or by mail.


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