Main | Monday, March 12, 2007

Sanchez On Signorile

Tune into Sirius OutQ at 4:30pm today, when Matt Sanchez will appear on the Michelangelo Signorile Show. As most of you may know, Signorile is largely credited with popularizing the term "outing", when his short-lived OutWeek Magazine ('89-'91) outed celebrities such as David Geffen for remaining silent on gay rights. It will be interesting to see how Signorile handles Sanchez. You can listen to the show online for free if you register for a 3-day trial.

And click over to AMERICAblog and listen, as Sanchez appears on the Alan Colmes radio show to say that he is "absolutely not gay". On the show, Sanchez denies that an escort ad in a 2004 issue of the NY Blade is him. Colmes then points out that the phone number in the ad is the same one he used to contact Sanchez for the interview. Oops. The fundies are rushing to embrace Sanchez, yesterday wingnut Kevin McCullough published a supportive post decrying how "diabolical liberals are once again showing their disdain for homosexuals, and their lack of love for those who struggle with sexual sin." Oy vey.

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