Pulling Balls In Hell's Kitchen
Porno Bingo turned out to be a lot of fun last night, the Ninth Avenue Bistro was packed to capacity. One of my own peeps, Little David, won a big goodie bag of porn including memberships to several of those dirty online streaming video sites, which by total coincidence happens to be one of David's favorite pastimes. Also in the house were Manhattan bon vivants Aaron and Richard, who were grumpy that they didn't win anything.
Will Clark was a quite the animated host, channeling Rod Roddy all night. And as with most rugby-related events, there was some chanting and some wanton removal of clothing. Fun night, even though Grampaw here had a hard time reading the tiny writing on the gumball-sized bingo balls. And some for some Hell's Kitchen realness, I got panhandled in front of the bar three times. TOP PIC: Gotham Knights. MIDDLE PIC: Will Clark and David. BOTTOM PIC: Porn director/reviewer/gossip Vincent Lambert (NSFW) and Grampaw.

Labels: Porno Bingo