Main | Thursday, August 09, 2007

Naugle To Host On Wingnut Radio

Asshat mayor of Fort Lauderdale Jim Naugle will be hosting a local talk radio show tomorrow morning on the Mitchell & Morley In The Morning show, which runs during the morning drive time, 6am - 9am EST. The right-wing WFTL also carries the Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly, and Dr. Laura shows. Maybe the mayor is already gunning for a new career as a shock jock? WFTL, Asshat Central for haters, seems like a good home for Naugle. Local LGBT rights group UNITE Fort Lauderdale has been invited to join Naugle, but has not yet confirmed. If you are up early enough and want to chew Naugle out, the call-in number is: 954-315-1515. Listen live here.

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