NGLTF: Fight 2257 Regulations!

Write to voice your objection to these regulations at Put "Section 2257 Docket No. CRM 104" in your subject line. For a sample/easy-to-copy message, visit the NGLTF site here. Please take 30 seconds and do it right now, before you move on to the next post. Do you want Manhunt to have your driver's license? Nothing against the noble operators of that site, but I don't.The federal government is proposing regulations that would effectively kill adult social-networking sites. This is being done under the guise of fighting child pornography. You have until September 10 to object to these regulations. It’s easy to do and essential. A sample e-mail comment is at the bottom of this page. Please forward this information to your friends!
What’s the Deal?
The Department of Justice is proposing regulations to implement a federal law designed to combat child pornography, known as Section 2257. The law was first enacted in 1998 and was amended in 2006 and significantly expanded to include regulation of the Internet.
While many of the regulations pertain to companies that produce adult entertainment magazines and videos (and are extremely burdensome), they would also affect anyone who uses an adult social-networking site. Here’s how:
The regulations would require the people running a site to get and maintain personal information from every user (that means you) who posts a “sexually explicit” photo, including your photo ID (driver’s license, passport, or military ID).The regulations would allow the Attorney General to conduct warrantless searches at will on the sites’ records, including your personal information. There are few safeguards over what the FBI can do with the information it obtains. If a site operator fails to comply with the regulations, he or she would face a prison sentence of up to 5 years.
For more detailed information on Sec. 2257, read our fact sheet. (PDF).
Obviously, none of this has anything to do with child pornography. Instead, it is a blatant attempt to end the ability of consenting adults to use adult social-networking sites to meet other people for sex. Obviously, if these regulations go into effect, they will kill this industry.
What You Can Do: The Department of Justice has published these proposed regulations and the public has until September 10 to comment on them.