Main | Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Dina McGreevey: Stand By Yourself

"I wasn’t the first such person in this situation, and Ms. Wall Spitzer isn’t going to be the last. This will happen again. And when it does, let’s skip the psychoanalysis and judgments heaped on the wife. She’s not the elected official. Let him face the cameras on his own.

"Let’s get away from this notion that an elected official’s wife has to stand up there. If she wants to be there, great. If she doesn’t, that’s fine, too. But whatever you do, respect her privacy in the face of what is already an overwhelmingly painful situation." - Dina McGreevey, ex-wife of disgraced former New Jersey governor Jim "I am a gay American" McGreevey, in a New York Times editorial titled Stand By Yourself.

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