Main | Tuesday, August 05, 2008

White Power Groups Like Obama

White supremacist groups are claiming that Barack Obama's candidacy is boosting their membership.
Tom Prater, Florida spokesman for the white power group Euro and a member of the National Association for the Advancement of White People, says the Illinois senator's success is a boon for his cause. "I've gotten more calls in the last two months about interest in our organizations than I got in all the years in the past," said Prater, who lives in Jacksonville. August Kreis, national director of Aryan Nations, another white supremacist and anti-Semitic organization, agrees. "Obama's done my group a lot of good," said Kreis, who lives in South Carolina and says he keeps a Nazi flag over his mantel. "He's polarizing Americans, black and white. "Especially in Florida, affiliates have increased recently," Kreis said, although he did not produce membership figures.
According to the story, some of these wackos are considering actually voting for Obama because they believe his election would drive even more people to their cause.

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