Main | Monday, October 13, 2008

Beat The Gay Out Of Your Kid

From the Ask The Doc column in the Jamaica Gleaner:
Q: My 10-year-old son is acting like a girl. I beat him almost every day for this. People tell me he is going to be gay and that it doesn't matter how I beat him since the female hormones will be there because the Lord made him that way. I am planning to send him to his father in Kingston who says he can beat it out of him. What should I do? He is very bright in school.

A: I am happy that your son is doing well in school, please continue to encourage him in positive ways. Remember that beating a child so that he/she will be harmed physically or mentally is child abuse. Beating will not solve the problem, if there truly is one. I would like to know what you mean by acting like a girl. This would help me to understand what exactly the problem is. There are boys who act effeminate, that is, act like women in certain ways, but that does not mean that they are gay. You need to see a psychologist on your own to discuss your fears and concerns regarding your son's behaviours and how to cope with other aspects of his behaviour as they arise.
The "Lord made him that way" but his daddy can beat it out of him. Horrifying, but sadly typical of the mindset of many Jamaicans.

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