Main | Monday, November 24, 2008

Hairspray Authors On Prop 8

Hairspray coauthors Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman appeared on local NYC show Theater Talk on Friday night to discuss Proposition 8 and the resignation of musical theater artistic director Scott Eckern in Sacramento. (This clip does not cover the Eckern portion of the discussion - if anybody has that, please send it to me.)

Eckern left his job of 25 years after it was revealed that he'd personally donated $1000 to Yes On 8. Prior to Eckern's resignation, Shaiman had called to chastise him and then announced to the press that no Shaiman-Wittman shows would play his theater again. Since then, Eckern's situation has been used by the right-wing press as an example of "gay witchhunts" and how anybody in the arts that opposes marriage equality will have their careers wrecked by gay activists.

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