PhoboQuotable - Matt Barber

"For decades now, well-organized, well-funded and highly influential 'gay' political pressure groups have, with impertinence, hijacked the language of the authentic civil rights movement. In what amounts to a sort of soft racism, self-styled 'queers' have disingenuously and ignobly hitched their lil' lavender wagons to a movement which, by contrast, is built upon the genuine and noble precepts of racial equality and humanitarian justice.
"An illegitimate offspring of the '60s sexual revolution, the newfangled 'gay rights' cult is today's postmodern, sex-centric cause célèbre. Its core tenets include, among other things, mandated moral relativism, social androgyny and forced acceptance of a pleasure-based, though demonstrably destructive, lifestyle. Apart from practitioners of 'the sin that dare not speak its name,' its devotees are in large part institutional fringe elitists confined to blue-state America who almost universally suffer the insufferable pangs of white guilt.
"Like an addict jonesing for a hit, they long for that rush of self-righteous affirmation associated with belonging to something perceived as larger than themselves. Central to the movement's success is the ability to draft adherents who are easily manipulated through superficial slogans, appeals to emotion via anecdotal parades of horribles, and a mindless propensity to conform to nonconformity.
"By drawing artificial parallels between the systematic persecution experienced by blacks over centuries past to the inherent aversion most have toward biologically unnatural, traditionally immoral and objectively perverse sexual behaviors, the homosexual lobby trivializes and diminishes the African-American struggle for civil rights. It's dishonest and offensive for people who choose to define their identity based upon aberrant sexual proclivities to compare sexual temptation and volitional sexual conduct to immutable and innocuous biological traits such as skin color." - Liberty Counsel spokespig Matt Barber, from a piece posted today on the Christianist "news" site, WorldNetDaily. Barber's piece goes on to quote (again) from JMG readers and cites the Palm Springs incident as examples of the violent and murderous intent of LGBT activists.
Labels: "celibacy", Liberty Counsel, marriage equality, Matt Barber, Proposition 8, religion, World Net Daily