Main | Friday, November 07, 2008

Stuart Smalley Still In It

Al Franken continues to refuse to concede in his Senate bid in Minnesota.
The vote gap between Senate candidates Norm Coleman and Al Franken fluctuated throughout the day Thursday, with Franken closing to within 236 votes by Thursday evening. The fluctuations are normal, said a spokesman at the Secretary of State's office, as county's double check their work and report minor changes. A typo in Pine County got fixed Thursday, giving Al Franken 100 more votes and tightening Minnesota's unresolved Senate race even tighter. Republican Sen. Norm Coleman's lead over Democrat Al Franken stood at 236 votes Thursday night. With nearly 2.9 million ballots cast, the difference between the top two candidates is about one one-hundredth of a percentage point.
Franken is a friend of the LGBT community on all issues and has vigorously defended marriage equality. Cross your fingers, folks.

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