Main | Thursday, February 19, 2009

Georgia To Gay Parents: Keep Your Dirty Homo Friends Away From Your Kids

In Georgia, sometimes you can keep your kids if you come out after a heterosexual marriage. You just can't let your dirty homo friends anywhere near them.
A gay man in the US state of Georgia is disputing a child custody agreement restriction which prohibits him from "exposing his children to his homosexual partners and friends." Lambda Legal, a gay rights advocacy group, yesterday filed an amicus brief in support of Eric Mongerson at the Georgia Supreme Court. The brief argues that restrictions on custody arrangements should not be determined based on sexual orientation and that no evidence exists that contact with gay acquaintances of their father is harmful. "The court should do what it always does in divorce cases with custody issues, which is to focus on the needs of the children," said Beth Littrell, Staff Attorney in Lambda Legal's Southern Regional Office. "Placing a blanket ban on "exposure" to gay people hardly helps a gay dad maintain his relationship with his children. What the ban does do is perpetuate prejudice and stigma against an entire group of people based solely on their sexual orientation, and that is just plain wrong. "This order hinders Mr Mongerson's ability to maintain his relationship with his children as he is under a court order to treat other gay people as pariahs based solely on their sexual orientation."
Living a lonely life without any friends will make you a better parent. Got that?

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