Main | Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hate Groups Visit White House Today

Right Wing Watch reports that a contingent from the nation's most vile anti-gay groups will meet with Obama administration officials at the White House today.
Concerned Women for America and the Family Research Council will meet with Joshua DuBois, the man who leads the administration’s office of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Wendy Wright, the president of CWA reached out to the Obama administration and they responded by inviting CWA and some of these other conservative Evangelical groups to The White House. The meeting plans to focus on the need to reduce abortions in the country and on responsible fatherhood programs. Also present at the meeting will be Tom McClusky, Senior Vice-President of the Family Research Council as well as representatives from the Christian Medical Association and Care Net, a pro-life Evangelical pregnancy crisis group.
The ostensible purpose of the meeting is to discuss opposition to Obama's abortion policy. Wanna bet they bring up dirty homos too? Right Wing Watch gets it right:
If the Obama administration thinks that it is going to win support for anything that it does on this issue from groups like CWA and FRC, it is sorely mistaken … which is something they will presumably learn once this meeting takes place. These are not moderate, open-minded groups looking for common ground – they are militant, anti-choice groups committed to, above all, making abortion illegal everywhere and for everyone, with no exceptions. It is hard to understand what the administration expects to gain by meeting with such groups to discuss efforts to reduce abortion considering that the only option such groups support is to outlaw them entirely.
It's hard to believe that the Obama administration is willing to legitimize these organizations, both of which are monitored as hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

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