Main | Thursday, March 12, 2009

Meet In The Middle 4 Equality

Central California is planning a special marriage rally on the Saturday after the state Supreme Court issues its ruling on Prop 8.
Rally for national LGBT equality the first Saturday AFTER the California Supreme Court issues its rulings on the Proposition 8 cases. Meet on the steps of City Hall in downtown Fresno at 1:00 PM.

Why Fresno? The battle for equality has to be fought in towns like Fresno, CA — not only in gay-friendly cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles. California's Central Valley population is far more reflective of national attitudes towards LBGT Equality and until we engage the communities of "middle-America", we will not gain the full equality we deserve.
It's a good strategy. Take the fight to the small towns, not the metro areas where we're already there. Visit the site, subscribe for updates, join the Facebook group.

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