Main | Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Mormons Using Internal Email System To Rally Against Civil Unions Vote In Illinois

According to a report on Box Turtle Bulletin, the Mormon Church is using their private email system to rally members to deluge Illinois legislators with calls objecting to a coming committee vote on moving a civil unions bill to the full state House.
The Illinois House will begin considering another Civil Unions bill this week. Introduced by Rep. Greg Harris on February 20, HB 2234 has been assigned to the Youth and Family Committee, which will hold a hearing on Thursday. We’ve received word that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has engaged its private communications network to bombard state legislators with phone calls in opposition to the bill. The Mormon Church maintains a private internet social-networking service in lieu of individual churches having their own Internet web sites. This allows the church to oversee the information that is made available to members and nonmembers. It also allows the church to maintain private information that is only made available to church members.
The LDS advises its Illinois congregants that only four "no" votes are needed for the bill to die in committee. If you are an Illinois resident, please contact these representatives and demand that they support equality for all.
Rep. Greg Harris (D-Chicago, 217-782-3835
Rep. LaShawn K. Ford (D-Chicago, 217-782-5962
Rep. Mike Fortner (R-West Chicago),217-782-1653
Rep. William D. Burns (D-Chicago, 217-782-2023
Rep. Michael P. McAuliffe (R-Chicago), 217-782-8182
Rep. Al Riley (D-Matteson), 217-558-1007
Rep. Dave Winters (R-Rockford, 217-782-0455
By using their closed email system in this campaign, it seems the Mormon Church is now gun shy regarding publicly advocating against LGBT equality.

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