Main | Friday, May 22, 2009

Texas Mayor Resigns To Move To Mexico With Undocumented Immigrant Partner

Mayor J.W. Lown of San Angelo, Texas sent a FedEx to his city council to let them know he had moved to Mexico so that he could be with his partner, who had been in the United States illegally.
J W Lown was elected in 2003 as the city's youngest ever mayor at the age of 32. He has been re-elected three times, gaining 89 per cent of the latest vote, held ten days ago. He told the San Angelo Standard-Times he fell in love with his partner in March, after he announced he would be standing for re-election. It is thought the unnamed Mexican man had a student visa which has now expired. Lown said he had chosen not to take the oath of office while “aiding and assisting” a person who was illegally in the country. “I made the final decision when I knew it was the right decision to make for me and my partner and our future - and for the community,” he said. He added he planned to stay in Mexico to try to obtain a visa so that his partner can return with him if “the people of San Angelo will welcome me back.”
City officials say they hope to welcome him back soon. Now if only the U.S. had immigration equality....

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