Main | Friday, July 31, 2009

Anti-Gay Referendum 71 Nut: You Can't Videotape Me, I'm FAMOUS

Anti-gay Referendum 71 wackjob Greg MacPherson didn't want to be videotaped turning in petitions and screamed for the police, saying he was a famous public figure and therefore could not be taped without his permission. State troopers showed up to school the asshole. Via Pam Spaulding:
As if trying to prevent Washington families from having solid legal protections isn't harassment enough, one Referendum 71 supporter attempted to intimidate Chris Mason of Driving Equality and blogger Joshalot as they recorded the public sorting and submission of petitions sheets from the very public steps of the Washington state capitol. The attempted intimidation by the Referendum 71 supporter starts at about 2:20 into the video.

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