Main | Thursday, July 23, 2009

Worse Than Coach

Discount Irish airline Ryanair made the news last week when they suggested they might start selling standing-only tickets for some of their shorter flights. A poll of the airline's customers shows that almost half of their passengers would be willing to stand if the fare were cut by 50%.
Under the proposal, passengers would lean on a stool or ledge and wear a seatbelt during take off and landing. Passengers would still have to pay taxes and charges imposed by governments or airport operators. The online poll showed 42 per cent of passengers would stand if the fare was halved compared to 58 per cent who wanted a seat. Asked if passengers should have a choice of standing on short flights as they do on trains, buses and other transport, 60 per cent said yes and 40 per cent said no. Ryanair this year abandoned plans for a "fat tax" on obese passengers, because it would slow down check-in procedures. The airline has been criticised for considering other money-making schemes including charging people to go to the toilet.
I'd probably be willing to stand on a hop to Boston or DC. But not much farther.

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