HomoQuotable - Michelangelo Signorile

"It’s not that I was ever really opposed to the idea of a march. To the contrary, as listeners to my Sirius/XM radio show know, I’ve been talking about marching on Washington ever since the morning after Election Day. For me, it’s been a matter of historical precedent: The black civil rights movement wisely took advantage of a window of opportunity in 1963, when Democrats controlled both the White House and Congress. Republicans could no longer be blamed for the lack of civil rights protections, and marchers knew that media attention would put pressure on the Democrats and shame them into action. We have that same window of opportunity today." - Activist and SiriusXM host Michelangelo Signorile, in a lengthy Advocate piece.
Read Signorile's entire essay.
Labels: "celibacy", activism, Barack Obama, Cleve Jones, David Mixner, HomoQuotable, Michelangelo Signorile, MOW, National Equality March