Main | Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Slap On Wrist For Chicago-Area Teacher Who Railed About "Black Fags"

Last night the Geneva School Board in suburban Chicago voted to only give high school teacher Dave Burk a warning for telling several classes, "How do you feel about your tax dollars being spent to fund black fags taking pictures of other black fags in New York?"
The notice against teacher David Burk states that any further improprieties could result in dismissal. Geneva High School senior Jordan Hunter, who is gay and said he was personally offended by the remark, did not think the board's action went far enough. He believed Burk should have been fired. "I'm just disappointed," Hunter said. "I'm shocked, really. This is not an acceptable end result." According to Hunter, Burk said during a classroom lecture on Oct. 5, "How do you feel about your tax dollars being spent to fund black [homosexual slur] taking pictures of other black [homosexual slur] in New York?" "It was in extremely poor judgment," said Hunter, who attended the board meeting. "Not only is it a homophobic remark, it is also a racist remark." Hunter said Burk made the comment while talking about how tax monies are used for the National Endowment for the Arts. School board Vice President Tim Moran said the warning notice sets the stage for harsher action if such behavior takes place again. "The reality is that there are legal steps that have to be taken," Moran said. "The step we took we believe to be the harshest we can as it stands now."
Freepers weigh in predictably:

- "Like blacks casually calling each other n*ggers, homosexuals dish at each other calling each other f*gs. But pity the poor fool who dares to talk about it."
- "The left-wing are in reality making an assualt on everyone’s rights with this type of fascist behavior. I absolutely believe that homosexuality is a corruption of natural human sexuality."
- "Jordan needs to develop a thicker skin. He’s in for a rude awakening in the real world."
- "The left has given them 'sacred' status and they are making this country into a PC hellhole."
- "To me, in the photo provided, Jordan Hunter looks uncomfortable with himself. It is as if he knows that homosexual acts are acts of grave depravity, and are contrary to natural law. He knows that under no circumstances can they be approved. We do not know whether he chose his homosexual condition; because for most it is a trial."
- "Poofer gets the vapors... tears @ 11."
- "Talk about someone in serious need of a butt kicking. I’m sure that Jordan’s Rest Stop Bathroom Buddies will take care of that."

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