Main | Thursday, October 08, 2009

Tory Leader David Cameron: Our Allies Are Not Homophobic

British celebrities including Stephen Fry, Eddie Izzard, and Ewan MacGregor sent a letter to the UK's Conservative Party leader David Cameron, urging him to repudiate the homophobic policies of the Polish Law and Justice Party, a Tory ally. Cameron responded by denying the charges, but also said that Poland is a Catholic country, so what can you do?
Speaking to Sky News, Cameron said he would respond "very clearly" to the letter. He said: "I don't believe the Law and Justice Party are homophobic." "Poland is a Catholic country. Most of the parties in Poland do take a stance like that on issues like gay marriage. "I don't happen to agree with them but they're not a homophobic party." Cameron broke away from an alliance with the EPP in Europe to honour an election promise he made but his new allies have been accused of homophobia, racism and anti-semitism. He invited Polish Law and Justice Party MP Michal Kaminski, to speak at Conference yesterday. Kaminski was filmed calling gay people "fags" in an interview in 2000. He is now the president of the Tories' new bloc in Europe, the European Conservatives and Reformists Group.
Over six hundred gay men attended the Tory-run disco club night on Tuesday during their annual conference, despite the flap.

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