Main | Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Blogger Beauty Pageant

Apparently I am a semi-finalist in a contest I didn't know existed. Air America Media is running a promotion asking you to vote for your favorite progressive blogger. The winner gets a week-long cruise to the Mexican Riviera with Air America hosts, including our heroine, Rachel Maddow. I'm way down at #11 in the semi-finals voting, which ends tomorrow. But Pam Spaulding is tied for first place! Woohoo! Go Pam! A top five will be announced at the end of the week for a final round of voting. I think this is the voting link. Below are today's rankings. Asterisks indicate a tie.

1. Karl Frisch, Media Matters *
2. Pam Spaulding, Pam's House Blend *
3. Mike Lux, Open Left
4. Jill Miller Zimon, Writes Like She Talks
5. Susie Madrak, Suburban Guerilla
6. Curtis Price, The Robbinsdale Radical
7. Sarah Burris, Everyday Citizen
8. Joanne Bamberger, Pundit Mom
9. Katie Gustafson,
10. Perry MacNeil, Momma Politico
11. Joe Jervis, Joe.My.God
12. Cenk Uygur, The Young Turks
13. Betsy "Aunt B." Phillips, Tiny Cat Pants *
14. Jamie Sanderson, The Politics of Jamie Sanderson *
15. Markos Moulitsas, Daily Kos *
16. Matthew Filipowicz, Huffington Post, Headzup *
17. John Amato, Crooks and Liars *
18. Jane Hamsher, FireDogLake *
19. Shoq, Shoq Value
20. Digby, Hullabaloo

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